Caroline Casey
Stella Coyote Memorial Summer Solstice Tour!
High John Eve-holiest day in New Orleans – with Amikaeyla Gaston drumming, singing, and calling in the spirits.
Cahoot with Caroline Casey as she presents astro*politico*mytho*ritual navigational guidance for the wild ride ahead.
Caroline Casey
Caroline is the host-creator and weaver of context for The Visionary Activist Show on Pacifica Radio Network Pacifica station KPFA (94.1) in Northern California, replayed on Los Angeles’ KPFK (and can be heard live on the web at 2pm PT on Thursdays, and by pod-cast subscription.) The show is dedicated to: anything we need to know to have a democracy; critique and solution; and the acknowledgement that we humans cannot solve the innumerable rude crises we’ve imposed on our planetary kin by ourselves—but only by humbly partnering with Nature’s evolutionary Ingenuity, aka Trickster. Her guests are leading contributors to a culture of reverent ingenuity, all teased into pertinence, and has been called “one of the best radio shows in America.”