Colin Greer
A Discussion on Spinoza and the World Today
Join Michael Lerner in conversation with Colin Greer about the philosophy of Jewish-Dutch philosopher Baruch Spinoza and how they apply to philanthropy, social justice, and the world today.
Colin Greer
Dr. Colin Greer has been the President of The New World Foundation since 1985. Formerly, he was a Professor at Brooklyn College, CUNY. He is the author (with Herbert Kohl) of The Plain Truth of Things and A Call to Character. Other books include: What Nixon is doing to Us; The Solution is Part of the Problem; After Reagan What?; and The Divided Society. He is best known for The Great School Legend and Choosing Equality: The Case for Democratic Schooling (which won the American Library Association’s Eli M. Oboler Intellectual Freedom Award). He was a founding editor of Change Magazine and Social Policy Magazine. He is a contributing editor to Parade Magazine.
Colin Greer also writes poetry, plays and non-fiction, and now also writes a blog on this website.