Margaret Kripke, PhD
Reducing Environmental Cancer Risk
~Co-presented with the Breast Cancer Fund~
Margaret L. Kripke, Ph.D., recently co-authored a pioneering Report on Cancer and the Environment as a member of the President’s Cancer Panel. This report has reverberated through the global public health community as the first authoritative science-based report to recognize the contribution of environmental factors in cancer. Join Jeanne Rizzo (president of the Breast Cancer Fund), Susan Braun (then executive director of Commonweal), and Michael Lerner (co-founder of Commonweal), in this conversation with Margaret that took place shortly before she spoke to a large audience at Fort Mason in San Francisco about her experience on the President’s Cancer Panel.
Download a transcript of her comments here.
Margaret L. Kripke, Ph.D.
Margaret is a professor of immunology and executive vice president and chief academic officer of the University of Texas Anderson Medical Center. She was appointed to the President’s Cancer Panel by President George W. Bush and is currently serving her second term.