Peter Asmus
Building Community Resiliency through Microgrids
The ever present threat of earthquakes, and recent proposals by utilities to shut off electricity during times of extreme fire danger, highlight the need to invest in greater resiliency in isolated, rural communities such as West Marin. The impacts of global climate change will only increase our vulnerability. One solution is microgrids, islands of power that can keep operating once the utility grid goes down, leveraging existing solar systems that may also go dark in the absence of batteries and other microgrid technologies. Join TNS Host Michael Lerner for a conversation on why microgrids are gaining popularity in California, the United States, and around the world with the following three experts:
Photo: Adam Derewecki, Flickr
Peter Asmus
Peter Asmus, Research Director with Navigant Research, and a global authority on microgrid markets with 30 years of experience covering the clean energy industry.
Margaret Bruce
Margaret Bruce, program manager for the Local Government Sustainable Energy Coalition, an organization active in educating local government agencies on how best to move forward with microgrid projects.
Darren Malvin
Darren Malvin, CEO of American Solar, a Marin County-based installer of microgrids currently working on a microgrid project at the Bolinas Community Center.