Robert Bray
Healing Traumatic Stress Disorders with Thought Field Therapy
Traumatic and developmental stress disorders in their many forms are epidemic condition of our time. Mainstream psychology has a very limited array of tools to help people with these conditions. Robert Bray is a psychotherapist based in San Diego who works primarily with clients with post-traumatic stress disorders. Michael Lerner talks with Robert about the issues of post-traumatic stress, following other New School interview with David Servan-Schreiber, M.D., James Gordon, M.D., Therese Poulsen (a yoga teacher) and others.
Robert has written a book called Heal Traumatic Stress NOW-Complete Recovery with Thought Field Therapy, No Open Wounds. Bray’s work with Roger Callahan’s Thought Field Therapy (TFT) has certain similarities to EMDR, a rapid eye-movement approach to PTSD that Servan-Schreiber teaches and endorses.
Robert Bray
Robert is a psychologist with a private practice working with people suffering from post traumatic stress and other trauma. He is an adjunct faculty member at San Diego State University, School of Social Work. He is also founder of the Thought Field Therapy Center of San Diego.