Howard Gardner and Host Michael Lerner
On Mind and Education
Okhiogbe Omonblanks Omonhinmin and Host Susan Grelock Yusem
What Do We Know? Exploring Non-Western Approaches to Wisdom
Mary Watkins and Host Michael Lerner
Toward Psychologies of Liberation: Literal and Metaphorical Migrations in the Polycrisis
Laurence Hillman and Host Michael Lerner
Astrology, Archetypal Psychology, and the Cosmos
Caroline Casey, Rachel Lang, and Host Michael Lerner
Cultivating a Culture of Ingenious Altruism
Rick Tarnas, Rachel Lang, and Host Michael Lerner
Cosmos and Psyche in an Age of Transformation
Rachel Lang, Yvonne Tarnas and Host Michael Lerner
Archetypes and Astrology: Where Jungian Therapy and Astrology Meet
Francis Weller and Michael Lerner
The Long Dark: Tending to the Soul in Unknown Territory
Francis Weller and Michael Lerner
When the Bough Breaks: Grief, Community and Rough Initiations
John Beebe
A Life in Jungian Practice: A Spiritual Biography
Michael Lerner
A Life in Love
Beatrice Chestnut
The Complete Enneagram: 27 Paths to Greater Self Knowledge
Don Lattin
Psychedelic Sacraments and the New Psychotherapy
Michael Lerner
Memories, Dreams, Reflections
Bill Glenn
Enneagram: An Archetypal Psychology
Francis Weller
The Wild Edge of Sorrow: Rituals of Renewal and the Sacred Work of Grief
John Gouldthorpe
For the Love of Nature: An Exploration of Goethe's Holistic Thinking
Patricia Berry, PhD
Echo's Subtle Body: Contributions to an Archetypal Psychology
Catherine Baumgartner
Embodied Ecologies: Exploring Biocultural Neuroscience
Michael Lerner
Body, Soul, and Spirit in Archetypal Psychology
John Gouldthorpe
Imagination Is Reality
Dick Russell
Getting to Know James Hillman
Francis Weller
Beauty, Imagination, and the Life of the Soul
Ilene Serlin, PhD
Dance and Psyche: How Moving Moves Us
Rachel Naomi Remen, MD
Symbols, Rituals, and Archetypes: Speaking the Language of the Deep Unconscious Mind
Bill Plotkin, PhD
Exploring the Landscape of the Wild Mind
Tom Cheetham, PhD
Spiritual Imagination in the Work of Henry Corbin, CG Jung and James Hillman
John Gouldthorpe
A Romantic's Reality: Hillman's Approach, The Basics
Michael Lerner, PhD
Wounds of the Self, Wounds of the Earth
Michael Lerner, PhD
Pilgrims of the Way: Integral Yoga and Archetypal Psychology
Michael Lerner, PhD
Archetypal Psychology: The Role of Soul in Daily Life
Francis Weller, MFT
Entering the Healing Ground: Grief, Ritual, and the Soul of the World
Stephen Parker, PhD
Jung, Art, and Healing
Kate Levinson
Emotional Currency: A Women's Guide to Building A Healthy Releationship with Money
Jean Shinoda Bolen, MD, and Kristina Flanagan
Goddess Archetypes in the Ring Cycle and in Us: Psychological, Political, and Spiritual Parallels
Richard Grossman
The Tao of Ralph Waldo Emerson
- Uncategorized
- Consciousness, Cosmology, Nature, Psychology
Thomas Kirsch, MD
The Red Book: Reflections on Jung and the Jungians
Robert Bray
Healing Traumatic Stress Disorders with Thought Field Therapy
Edd Conboy
Healing People, Healing Organizations
David Servan Schrieber
The Instinct to Heal: Treating Depression, Anxiety, and Cancer without Drugs or Talk Therapy
Virginia Veach, PhD
A Life Exploring Healing
Richard Tarnas, PhD
Cosmos and Psyche: Intimations of A New World View
Thomas Yeomans, PhD
A Spirituality for Our Time
Peter Kingsley
Finding What Is Real
Jacob Needleman
Why Can't We Be Good? Overcoming Obstacles to Our Higher Ideals
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- Art and Healing
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- Empowering Women in Today's World
- End-of-Life Conversations
- Enneagram
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- Roots of Resilience in an Age of Crisis
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