Paul Gorman
The National Religious Partnership for the Environment
Join Michael Lerner in this two-part conversation with Paul Gorman, founder and executive director of the National Religious Partnership for the Environment since 1993. Listen to Part 1 and Part 2 of the conversation on our Soundcloud site.
Paul Gorman
Paul is founder and executive director of the National Religious Partnership for the Environment since 1993, received the Heinz Award for the Environment in 1999. A graduate of Yale and Oxford University, Paul worked in the U.S. Congress and served as press secretary and speechwriter to Senator Eugene McCarthy in the 1968 presidential campaign. He taught at the City University of New York, Sarah Lawrence College and Adelphi University, hosted a public radio program for 29 years and co-authoredHow Can I Help? From 1985-91, Paul served as the Cathedral of St. John the Divine’s vice president for program, overseeing community-based initiatives and helping organize international conferences on religious and environment in Assisi, Oxford, and Moscow.