Penny Livingston-Stark, James Stark, Avis Rappaport Licht

Gardens Healing the Earth

In celebration of the 35th anniversary of Commonweal Garden, founder Avis Rappaport Licht—and Regenerative Design Institute founders Penny Livingston Stark and James Stark—speak with Michael Lerner about their work with the earth and teaching hundreds of programs on permaculture, nature awareness, and leadership. Join them as they honor all those who have contributed to making the Commonweal Garden what it is today.

Penny Livingston-Stark

Penny is internationally recognized as a prominent permaculture teacher, designer and speaker. Penny has been teaching internationally and working professionally in the land management, regenerative design, and permaculture development field for 25 years and has extensive experience in all phases of ecologically sound design and construction as well as the use of natural non-toxic building materials. She specializes in site planning and the design of resource-rich landscapes integrating, rainwater collection, edible and medicinal planting, spring development, pond and water systems, habitatdevelopment and watershed restoration for homes, co-housingcommunities, businesses and diverse yield perennial farms.

James Stark, MA, FES

James is the co-director of the Regenerative Design Institute (RDI). He co-founded and co-directs the Ecology of Leadership program and is a senior trainer in the 3-year, full-time Regenerative Design and Nature Awareness training program, preparing young global community leaders for the “Great Turning” of our era.


Avis Rappaport Licht

Avis co-founded Commonweal Garden in 1978. She specializes in edible landscaping, and has been creating sustainable, native plant, and ALWAYS BEAUTIFUL gardens for 35 years. She has a B.S. in Conservation of Natural Resources from the University of California, Berkeley, and studied with the great horticulturist, Alan Chadwick.