Stephan Schwartz
Trends That Affect Your Future and Consciousness Research
Join Michael Lerner for a conversation with Stephan Schwartz, the creator of the free daily on-line Schwartz Report: Trends That Will Affect Your Future. Stephen tracks significant social trends while postulating the reality of non-local consciousness. Integrating tough-minded social trend analysis with a deep knowledge of consciousness research, Schwartz arrives at challenging non-obvious approaches to thinking about social change.
Stephan A. Schwartz
Stephan Schwartz is a senior Samueli fellow at the Samueli Institute, columnist for the journal Explore, and editor of the web publication Schwartz Report. He has spent a lifetime focused on exceptional human performance, particularly involving nonlocal aspects of consciousness, and is one of the founders of modern remote viewing. Parallel with that, he has researched and written about trends that are shaping the world for many years. He is the former research director of the Mobius Society, research director of the Rhine Research Center, senior fellow of the Philosophical Research Society, scholar in residence at Atlantic University, and adjunct professor at John F. Kennedy University. He is the spokesperson for the Parapsychological Association, and a former board member; co-founder of the Society for the Anthropology of Consciousness of the American Anthropological Association, the International Society for the Study of Subtle Energies and Energy Medicine, and the International Remote Viewing Association. He is the author of four books, 20 chapters in others, and more than 100 technical papers and peer-reviewed publications.