Category Archives: Video
Jeffrey J. Kripal and Host Michael Lerner
The Superhumanities: Historical Precedents, Moral Objections
Okhiogbe Omonblanks Omonhinmin and Host Susan Grelock Yusem
What Do We Know? Exploring Non-Western Approaches to Wisdom
Joanna Bornowski and Host Michael Lerner
Consciousness, Intuition, and Animal Communication
Lisa Bero, Lariah Edwards, and Host Kristin Schafer
Protecting Scientists from Industry Intimidation
Sofia Nemenmann and Anabella Museri with Host Michael Lerner
Welcome, Wild Times: Conversation with Resilience Leaders in the Global South
Peter Coyote and Host Steve Heilig
Things As It Is
Manisha Gupta and Host Michel Lerner
Welcome, Wild Times: Conversation with Resilience Leaders in the Global South
Deepa Patel and Host Serena Bian
What Does Love Have To Do With It? Bringing Mystery to Peacebuilding (part 1)
Nnimmo Bassey and Host Michel Lerner
Welcome, Wild Times: Conversation with Resilience Leaders in the Global South
Christina Baldwin and Host Michael Lerner
Writing as Legacy: What Do We Leave in the Earth for the Future to Find?
Justin Nobel, Larysa Dyrszka, James Brugh and Host Kristin Schafer
Petroleum 238: A 7-Year Investigation of Oilfield Radioactivity
Elizabeth Sawin, Beverley Thorpe, and Host Kristin Schafer
Multisolving for Climate, Chemicals, and Health
Graham Leicester, Katherine Fulton, Host Michael Lerner
Rising to the Occasion: Practical Hope in a Global Polycrisis
Pat McCabe and Host Brenda Salgado
Restoring the Heart of Our Relationships: Racial and Earth Healing / Restaurando el corazón de nuestras relaciones: Cicatrización Racial y de la Tierra
Sherri Mitchell and Host Brenda Salgado
Restoring the Heart of Our Relationships: Racial and Earth Healing / Restaurando el corazón de nuestras relaciones: Cicatrización Racial y de la Tierra
Cynthia Li and Host Michael Lerner
Brave New Medicine: Spiritual Biography
Oren Slozberg and Host Michael Lerner
A Life of Collaborative Leadership: Spiritual Biography
Grace Sesma and Host Brenda Salgado
Restoring the Heart of Our Relationships: Racial and Earth Healing / Restaurando el corazón de nuestras relaciones: Cicatrización Racial y de la Tierra
Rebecca Katz and Host Michael Lerner
Eat, Paint, Pray: A Portrait of an Artist and Culinary Wizard
Gary Cohen and Host Michael Lerner
The Evolution of the Modern Health and Environmental Justice Movement
Erlene Chiang and Host Michael Lerner
Traditional Chinese Medicine for Cancer: A Spiritual Biography
Dick Russell and Host Michael Lerner
Biography of the Biographer
Kristina Marusic, Nsedu Obot Witherspoon, Sandra Steingraber, Host Kristin Schafer
Science, Storytelling, and a New War on Cancer
Mary Watkins and Host Michael Lerner
Toward Psychologies of Liberation: Literal and Metaphorical Migrations in the Polycrisis
Rue Mapp and Host Lyons Filmer
Nature Swagger: Storytelling Black Joy in Nature
Ravi Agarwal and Host Michael Lerner
An Ecology of the Self, Part 1
Bill Glenn and Host Rabbi Irwin Keller
I Came Here Seeking a Person
Orland Bishop and Host Michael Lerner
The Seventh Shrine: Spiritual Biography Continued
Linda Birnbaum, Ami Zota, and Host Steve Heilig
What's Next in Environmental Health?
Lindsay McDonell and Host Michael Lerner
Your Dance with Cancer: A Conversation with A Metastatic Breast Cancer Thriver
Janet Moses and Host Michael Lerner
The Carceral State: A Spiritual Biography Continued
Wayne Jonas and Host Michael Lerner
Catching up to the Science of Cancer Care
Maristella Svampa, Enrique Viale, Host Tom Kruse (Spanish-only)
Ecosocial Collapse and the Lithium Triangle in Argentina, Bolivia, and Chile
Stan Cox and Hosts Michael Lerner and Joan Diamond
Rationing in the Polycrisis
Lara Bazelon and Host Lyons Filmer
Ambitious Like a Mother / Ambiciosa como Madre
Tatsujiro Suzuki and Host Michael Lerner
Are We on the Eve of A Nuclear Disaster?
Laurence Hillman and Host Michael Lerner
Astrology, Archetypal Psychology, and the Cosmos
Janie Brown and Host Michael Lerner
Face to Face, Heart to Heart: Two Friends Share Learnings from More Than 300 Week-Long Cancer Retreats
Marielena Hincapié and Host Lyons Filmer
Migrant Women Shaping the Path Forward / Mujeres Inmigrantes que Forjan la Trayectoria
Ian Goldin and Host Michael Lerner
Rescue, From Global Crisis to a Better World
Philip Yun and Host Michael Lerner
Framing the Next Paradigm and the Challenge Facing Democratic Governance
Caroline Casey, Rachel Lang, and Host Michael Lerner
Cultivating a Culture of Ingenious Altruism
Donald Abrams and Host Michael Lerner
Whole Person Cancer Care: Where Are We Now?
Rick Tarnas, Rachel Lang, and Host Michael Lerner
Cosmos and Psyche in an Age of Transformation
Leah Douglas, Ligia Guallpa, Suzanne Adely, with Host Anna Lappé
SOLIDARITY | Connecting Across the Food Chain
Rachel Lang, Yvonne Tarnas and Host Michael Lerner
Archetypes and Astrology: Where Jungian Therapy and Astrology Meet
Rufus Pollock and Host Michael Lerner
Meet the MetaModerns: An Emerging Movement Has A Radical Alternative Approach to Social Change
Carl Wassilie, Peleke Flores, with Host Tiffani Patton
SEA | The Struggle for Sovereignty
Mai Nguyen, Vera F. Allen, with Host Tiffani Patton
SOIL | Carving Out Space for BIPOC Farming
Rachel Lang and Host Michael Lerner
Astrology, Archetype, and the Aquarian Age
Morgan Curtis and Niria Alicia Garcia with Host Victoria Santos
Transforming Ancestral Legacies toward A More Just World
Francis Weller and Michael Lerner
The Long Dark: Tending to the Soul in Unknown Territory
Kaylena Bray, Nicola Wagenberg, Host Melissa K. Nelson
What Kind of Ancestor Do You Want to Be? (Part 2)
Rowen White and Rachel Wolfgramm with Host Melissa K. Nelson
What Kind of Ancestor Do You Want to Be? (Part 1)
Rachel Lang and Host Michael Lerner
Intuition, Astrology, Magic: A Spiritual Biography
Trathen Heckman and Host James Stark
Changing the World through Small Daily Acts, Small Gardens, and Small Groups
Kim Stanley Robinson and Host Michael Lerner
Ministry for the Future
Richard Heinberg and Host Michael Lerner
Power: Limits and Prospects for Human Survival
Kathleen Dean Moore, Hank Lentfer, Host Kyra Epstein
Earth’s Wild Music: Celebrating Life in a Time of Extinction
C’Ardiss Gardner Gleser with Victoria Santos
Reparative Philanthropy: Releasing Wealth for Social Justice
Tom Philpott, Janaki Jagannath, Anna Lappé
WATER | Thirsty California: Water, Agribusiness, and the Future of Food
Kristyn Leach, Jessika Greendeer, Tiffani Patton
SEED | Seed-Saving: Preserving Culture and Building Resilience
Aden Van Noppen and Irwin Keller
Creating Technology Worthy of the Human Spirit
Rupa Marya, A-dae Romero-Briones, Anna Lappé
LAND | Stolen Land: The Struggle for Rematriation
David Lorimer and Michael Lerner
A Quest for Wisdom: Spiritual Biography
Parker Palmer and Michael Lerner
Circles of Trust: A Hidden Wholeness
Michael Lerner
Living with Peace and Struggle in the Global Polycrisis
Christina Baldwin, Ann Linnea, Diana Lindsay
Calling the Circle: A Leader in Every Chair
Carola Davis and Irwin Keller
And All the Ships at Sea: Point Reyes and the Culture of Radio
Pat McCabe, Susan Balbas, Ladybird Morgan
Crossing Thresholds: Staying Awake in Changing Times
Mark Hertsgaard with Steve Heilig
Tackling the Climate Emergency at Home and Abroad
Irwin Keller with Michael Lerner
Inquiry into the Nature of Jewish Faith: A Spiritual Biography
Josie Iselin with Irwin Keller
The Curious World of Seaweed
Wendy Johnson with Jaune Evans
Gardening at the Dragon's Gate: Engaged Dharma and Ecology for Challenging Times
Resilience Roundtable
The Human Predicament in 2020: Interacting Global Crises and the New Normal
Claire Cummings, Rebecca Spector, Melissa Nelson, Anna Lappé
The Future of Food: Exploring the Politics, Ethics, and Impacts of Genetic Engineering
Elliot Ginsburg and Irwin Keller
Bathing in the Waters of Possibility: Mystical Tools for Healing and Renewal
Anna O’Malley and Steve Heilig
Medicine, Resilience, and the Natural World
Lisa Simms Booth and Michael Lerner
Healing Work with Cancer in a Time of Transformation
Carl Safina and Michael Lerner
Becoming Wild
Katherine Fulton and Michael Lerner
Angles of Vision: Strategies for a New Time
Michael Lerner and Friends
Bringing Deep Healing Work Online
Sandra Maitri and Michael Lerner
Enneagram and the Diamond Approach to Inner Self Realization
Diana Lindsay and Michael Lerner
The Inner World as Resource and Guide
Irwin Keller and Michael Lerner
Torah Teachings for Precarious Times
Steve Heilig and Michael Lerner
COVID-19 and Beyond: What Will the New World Look Like?
Cynthia Li and Michael Lerner
Strengthening Personal Immunity and Resilience
Rachel Naomi Remen and Michael Lerner
COVID-19 and the Rebirth of Humanity
Francis Weller and Michael Lerner
When the Bough Breaks: Grief, Community and Rough Initiations
Richard Heinberg and Michael Lerner
Real Community Resilience 2020 – 2040
Nipun Mehta
A Life of Service: A Spiritual Biography
John Beebe
A Life in Jungian Practice: A Spiritual Biography
Alnoor Ladha
Mystical Anarchism: A Spiritual Biography
Nate Hagens and Joanna Macy
Can We Avoid Civilizational Collapse?
Mary Evelyn Tucker
Thomas Berry: A Biography
Stephen Sparks and Molly Parent
Hot Off the Press: Bookselling in the Modern Age and on the Western Edge
Jaune Evans
Leaving Home: A Spiritual Biography
Mark Dowie
First Nations' Independence
Michael Lerner
Homage to Richard Rohr
Michael Lerner
A Life in Love
Peter Asmus
Building Community Resiliency through Microgrids
Hammer Simwinga
Community-Led Conservation: Zambia's Mukungule Nature Conservancy
Beatrice Chestnut
The Complete Enneagram: 27 Paths to Greater Self Knowledge
Michael Pollan
How to Change Your Mind
Kristina Flanagan
Spiritual Biography
Joanna Macy
World as Lover, World as Self: The Wisdom of our Grief and Outrage
Rachel Naomi Remen
Out of the Fire: A Time of Discovery
Mary Evelyn Tucker
Living within a Universe Story: A Spiritual Biography
Sharyle Patton and Irwin Keller
Rising from the Ashes: Toxic Dangers of the Sonoma County Fires
Fred Luskin
Forgiveness in Healing and Conflict Resolution
Hanmin Liu and Jennifer Mei
The Work of the Wildflowers Institute
Stephan A. Schwartz
Is There an Option for the Future Other Than Dystopia?
Aaron Stern
Taking the Lid Off Learning
Francis Weller
Living in the Ashes: Communal Grief and the North Bay Fires
Michael Samuels
Dancing Bears and Greek Gods
Michael Lerner
Love Heals: A Talk at the Integral Yoga Institute in San Francisco
Caroline Casey
Stella Coyote Memorial Summer Solstice Tour!
Don Lattin
Psychedelic Sacraments and the New Psychotherapy
Michael Lerner
Memories, Dreams, Reflections
Anna O’Malley
The Ecology of Community Medicine
Chas Nol
Radical Faeries: Unleashing the Sissy Boy
Lata Mani
The Poetics of Fragility
Holly Near
Peace Becomes You
Michael Lerner and Rachel Naomi Remen
The Commonweal Story (part 4)
Jerry Jampolsky and Diane Cirincione-Jampolsky
Attitudinal Healing: Change Your Mind, Change Your Life
Michael Lerner and Burr Heneman
The Commonweal Story (part 1)
Caroline Casey
Vernal Eclipse Scheherezade Convening Trickster Medicine Story-Telling
2016 Symington Conference
on New Directions in Integrative Cancer Care
Dwight McKee
After Cancer Care: Reflections on 40 Years Practicing Integrative Cancer Medicine
Bill Glenn
Enneagram: An Archetypal Psychology
Francis Weller
The Wild Edge of Sorrow: Rituals of Renewal and the Sacred Work of Grief
Rebecca Burgess
Regenerating Community Fiber Systems
Jacob Needleman
Who Am I? Why Am I Here?
Peter Coyote
The Rainman's Third Cure
Jacob Needleman
Time and the Soul: A Spiritual Biography
Kate Hoepke
The Village Movement: Aging in Community
Michael Pollan
The Trip Treatment: New Research on the Healing Properties of Psychedelics
Caroline Casey
Equinoctial Eclipse Persian New Year Comedic Cahoot of Mars and Venus Tour
Patricia Berry, PhD
Echo's Subtle Body: Contributions to an Archetypal Psychology
Colin Farish
Piano Concert and Conversation
John Marks and Susan Collin Marks
Search for Common Ground: Building Peace In Our World and In Our Hearts
Oren Slozberg
Dialogue, Art, and Group Intelligence
Angeles Arrien, PhD
Nothing Special: The Mystery of Everyday Life
Brother David Steindl-Rast
Spiritual Biography
Paul Hawken
An Uprising: The Global Crisis and Our Response
W.S. Merwin
Reading and Conversation
Annie Leonard
The Story of Stuff: Movie Screening and Community Forum
- Archetypal Psychology
- Art and Healing
- CancerChoices
- Empowering Women in Today's World
- End-of-Life Conversations
- Enneagram
- Healing Circles
- Healing Trauma Series
- Ibn 'Arabi
- Money as Medicine
- Music and Stories
- OMEGA Network
- Resilience
- Roots of Resilience in an Age of Crisis
- Spiritual Biography
- The Learning Community
- TNS-Sonoma
- What Stories Does the Land Hold?